Our centre is modern and purpose-built, with all four rooms north facing so they are sunny and warm.
Air conditioning helps heat the centre in the winter and keep it pleasant during summer.

Four specialist rooms ensure teaching and resources are age-appropriate.

0-2 years

Teacher ratio of 1-4, max 19 children

This room is our nursery, and the starting point for many of our families. It is an open, welcoming room with its own outdoor space and a separate sleep room where each baby has their own full-size cot. Our baby safe corner is a cosy space for our smallest babies to enjoy tummy time away from their loving older friends. To ensure a high level of care we have one teacher for every four children during the busiest times of the day.

2-3 years

Teacher ratio of 1-6, max 18 children

Recognising the high needs of toddlers, we have one teacher to every 6 children and we keep numbers below 18. After lunch, the children all have a nap on comfy stretcher beds in a calm, separate sleep room.

3-4 years

Teacher ratio of 1-8, max 31 children

Our 3-year olds enjoy the space of two co-joined rooms and recognising their growing independence, there is one teacher to every 7 children. They have a big outdoor space with equipment and resources relevant to their age group. Large shade cloths and a giant umbrella provide plenty of shade. After lunch, children who need it have a nap on their own stretcher bed.

4-5 years

Teacher ratio of 1-8, max 32 children

This large co-joined room opens out onto its own outdoor play space sheltered by several large beautiful pohutukawa trees. Kaiako in this room are specialised in the needs of pre-school children and all children are encouraged to participate in extra activities as part of school readiness. Families also have the option of providing their own lunchbox on Fridays, as another way of developing independence and readiness for school.

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